The CTcpSock represents a socket used for asynchronous operation.
When a CTcpSock has been created, it can be registered with an CEventLoop which passes 'events' from a select system call to the socket object, whenever data arrives or the socket is ready to recieve more data for writing.
Handling of the events is implemented as a finite state machine. Callbacks can be registered for whenever the socket changes state. Callback function pointers are stored in the m_cb* member variables.
See also: CEventLoop
CTcpSock (void)
| CTcpSock |
Constructor which initializes datamembers.
~CTcpSock (void)
| ~CTcpSock |
Destructor which automatically closes the socket if it has been connected.
int create (void)
| create |
Creates the socket, i.e. gets a socket handle ( m_sock ).
Returns: zero on success
int close (void)
| close |
Closes the socket if it has been connected. It is safe to call close even if the socket wasn't created or connected.
Returns: zero on success
int connect (SOCKADDR_IN* name)
| connect |
Start connecting the socket to a remote peer. When the connect completes the m_cbConnectOk callback will be called.
name | address (host, port) of the remote peer |
Returns: zero or EINPROGRESS on success
int send (const char* buf, int len)
| send |
Start sending a buffer to the remote peer. When all bytes have been send the m_cbSendOk callback will be called.
buf | pointer to the buffer |
len | number of bytes to send |
Returns: number of bytes sent so far
int sendString (const char* str)
| sendString |
Start sending a zero terminated string. When the whole string has been sent the m_cbSendOk callback will be called.
str | the string to send |
Returns: number of bytes sent so far
int recvBuf (char* buf, int len)
| recvBuf |
Start receiving a buffer. When the desired number of bytes have been read or the remote end has closed the socket, the m_cbRecvBufOk callback will be called.
buf | pointer to buffer for receiving data |
len | number of bytes to receive |
Returns: zero on success
int readLine (char* buf, int max_len)
| readLine |
Start reading a line from the socket. When a full line have been read or the remote end has closed the socket, the m_cbReadLineOk callback will be called.
buf | pointer to buffer for receiving data |
max_len | maximum number of bytes to read. |
Returns: zero on success
int setFdSets (fd_set* rfds, fd_set* wfds, fd_set* efds)
| setFdSets |
Sets fd_sets for this socket depending on it's state. The fd_sets are used by a CEventLoop for the select system call. Basically this socket indicates to the EventLoop if it is currently interested in read, write or exception events.
rfds | read fd_set |
wfds | write fd_set |
efds | exception fd_set |
Returns: zero on success
int checkFdSets (fd_set* rfds, fd_set* wfds, fd_set* efds)
| checkFdSets |
Checks fd_sets for this socket after the CEventLoop returns from the select system call, to see if there was any events for this socket. If an event arrived processEvent is called. Before returning to the EventLoop any new internal events are handled by calling the appropriate callback.
rfds | read fd_set |
wfds | write fd_set |
efds | exception fd_set |
Returns: zero on success
void deleteSock (void)
| deleteSock |
Ask the socket to delete itself, just before returning to the EventLoop. This allows for 'nested' callbacks that needs to delete the socket object.
SOCKET m_sock | m_sock |
The socket handle (i.e. file descriptor on UNIX)
void* m_context | m_context |
This is a pointer to some arbitrary context you can assign to the socket. This is useful if you have one set of callback functions which handle multiple sockets. They can use the context data to figure out where the particular socket 'belong'
TCallBack* m_cbConnectOk | m_cbConnectOk |
Callback for when the socket has succesfully connected to the remote peer.
TCallBack* m_cbSendOk | m_cbSendOk |
Callback for when a send or sendString has completed.
TCallBack* m_cbReadLineOk | m_cbReadLineOk |
Callback for when a line has been read from the socket.
TCallBack* m_cbRecvBufOk | m_cbRecvBufOk |
Callback for when a buffer has been received.
const char* m_wbuf | m_wbuf |
Pointer to the buffer being written ( send , sendString ).
int m_wlen | m_wlen |
Number of bytes to be sent.
int m_sent | m_sent |
Number of bytes actually sent (so far).
char* m_rbuf | m_rbuf |
Pointer to the buffer being read to ( readLine , recvBuf ).
int m_rlen | m_rlen |
Number of bytes to be read
int m_read | m_read |
Number of bytes actually read (so far).
int m_eof | m_eof |
Non-zero if the socket has been closed at the remote end.
enum ESockStates {start, created, connecting, ready, sending, recievingBuf, readingLine, closed } | ESockStates |
[protected: ]
The different states of the socket
ESockStates m_state | m_state |
[protected: ]
enum EEvents {read = 1, write = 2, except = 4 } | EEvents |
[protected: ]
Types of events received from the EventLoop
enum ESockInternalEvents {noEvent, connectOk, sendOk, readLineOk, recvBufOk, deleteEvent } | ESockInternalEvents |
[protected: ]
Internal events used to do callbacks and delete the socket before returning to the EventLoop, if needed.
ESockInternalEvents m_intStatus | m_intStatus |
[protected: ]
int processEvent (int event)
| processEvent |
[protected: ]
Processes an event received from the EventLoop. Takes the appropriate action depending on the current state ( m_state ).
event | type of event: read, write, exception |
Returns: zero on success
void readLineLoop (void)
| readLineLoop |
[protected: ]
Called every time data arrives, when reading a line
void recvBufLoop (void)
| recvBufLoop |
[protected: ]
Called every time data arrives, when reading to a buffer